Find the Longer Word

Easy Level Word Game

Short Description:

In this activity, you will see two columns of words. Each word on the left, when combined with a word on the right forms a longer word. Write the longer words on the lines.

Directions for Caregivers:

Work together to find the longer words. Try different combinations aloud until you get to the correct answer.

As a group activity, use the words on the left and invite the participants to come up with longer words that start with that word.

Use a whiteboard and try to find more than one longer word for each one.

If the person you are with finds it difficult, say the word on the left and then combine it with the words on the right, one at a time until you get a recognizable word. For example, say ‘underburn, understorm, etc. until you get to underwater. It might make for a bit of a laugh hearing
the wrong words.

About this Activity

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Find the Longer Word