How many Valentines can you find?

Short Description:

The word VALENTINE can be found several times in the grid in straight lines. They can go in any direction, up, down, and diagonally. Mark them as you find them and count as you go along. How many did you find? A highlighter marker is good for marking the words.

Directions for Caregivers:

You could print one Valentine’s word search worksheet each and share what you find. Make it social by chatting about Valentine’s Day. Do you like it? Is it too commercial or very romantic?

Early stage dementia

Some people with dementia find the grid with a jumble of letters too distracting. Placing a ruler under one line at a time horizontally or diagonally will make it a little easier. If you find that the person you are with is not enjoying this activity, find one that is not so complex. Maybe try one of our crosswords.

About this Activity

Add Some Reminiscing.

What are your own experiences of Valentine's Day? What do you think about the day in general?

For more Valentine's Activity ideas and another Valentine's word search, this time with the word HEART, click here.