Tongue Twisters

Why do we use Tongue Twisters?

Short Description:

Say the tongue twisters fast and see if you can do it without stumbling over the words.

Tongue twisters also have some benefits for us. They exercise our speech muscles and we need to use our focus and concentration for the correct pronunciation of the words.

Directions for Caregivers:

Take turns saying the tongue twisters and enjoy a fun activity.

All you need for this activity is the printed Tongue Twister sheet. The participant(s) need to be able to read.
It works best if you do only one or two of them in each activity session, so the list should last you for some time.

This is a nice activity when the group consists of participants of a similar cognitive ability. Take turns and see who has the best turn of phrase!

Early-stage memory care/dementia.

Try the activity, and if it is too difficult for the person you are doing it with, they might enjoy hearing you have a go at saying a tongue twister fast and repeatedly.

All you need for this activity is the printed Tongue Twister sheet. The person you are with needs to be able to read.
It works best if you do only one or two of them in each activity session, so the list should last you for some time.

Tongue Twisters