Printable Worksheet, Letter B

Write Three Words for each Category.

Short Description:

A printable worksheet with different category words and lines for you to write on.

For each word, think of at least three others that relate to the given word.

Remember that every word you write should start with the letter B.

Click here for lots more printable word games.

Directions for Caregivers:

This is a fun activity to do together, bring the printable worksheet to the activity. 

Remind the person you are with that the starting letter for each word in this word game has to be the letter B.

Can you find more than three words for each category?

This activity works well in a group. Do it verbally or use a whiteboard to write suggestions on. 

Make sure everyone gets a chance to participate, not just the fast thinkers.

Maybe you can think of more categories to find words for.


Bring the printable worksheet to the activity and do it together. 

Remind the person you are with frequently that the starting letter for each word in this word game is the letter B.

Can you find more than three words for each category?

If needed, sound out the first, second, third, etc., letter in words that you think of to trigger a response.