Math Quizzes, Plus or Minus

Easy Math Quizzes

Short Description:

In this quiz, the calculations on the left-hand side are easier as they only need one plus or minus added.

If you are not sure you might use a calculator to test if plus or minus apply in the different calculations.

Directions for Caregivers:

Do the math quizzes together. If you need to, give hints to come up with the solutions.
Use your fingers as a visual, or a calculator, to work out the math problems if you need to give more support.

Early and middle-stage memory care/dementia.

Do the math quizzes together. Give as many hints as are needed to come up with the solutions.
Use your fingers as a visual, or a calculator, to work out the math problems if you need to give more support.

About this Activity

Solving Math Quizzes is a Great Mental Exercise.

They are good for passing the time of day and a good activity for nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We all need to challenge our brains regularly. For more printable math quizzes click here.