Making Butter

Making Your own Food.

About this Activity

Reminiscing About Making Butter Long Ago.

I read a story to a group in the nursing home recently about how they made butter long ago. Many of our residents come from farming backgrounds and remember vividly their mothers, grandmothers, and when they were old enough, themselves, making butter from scratch.

Often people who were not farmers would also keep a pig or a cow as an essential part of feeding their families. I borrowed an old table churn from a friend, which she bought in an auction, and brought it into the nursing home for all to see and crank the handle.

I also printed out some photos of other types of churns and a cow. The visual and sensory experience of handling the churn and seeing the pictures helped to trigger memories that only talking about making butter would not have achieved.

One lady said that her mother used a glass milk bottle and made butter by shaking the bottle with milk.

This kind of reminiscing is, of course, not something you only do in residential facilities. I love talking to my father, who is 92 years of age, about what life was like when he was young. And he enjoys telling it! A good activity for both of us.

Maria Brady

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Making Butter