Birds, Word Search
Where are the Birds?
Short Description:
In this bird word search, you have to find the names of different types of birds hidden in the grid.
You will find the words either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally and they can be read forward or backward.
There are Words ‘Hidden’ in the Grid.
Mark them off in the list as you find them and mark them in the grid as well, either circle with a pen or use a highlighter pen.
Find more Word searches here.
Directions for Caregivers:
Do the puzzle and add some reminiscing about birds.
Ask questions like; What birds live around here? Do you have a favorite type of bird? What kinds of birds might you find in a Zoo?
Play some bird song.
Give everyone in the group a word search sheet (the same one) and encourage the participants to engage and help each other.
Go around and assist where needed.
Spend some time reminiscing about different types of birds. Google birdsong of different species and play for the group.
Early-stage memory care/dementia.
You may have to find the starting letter of a word and see if the person you are with can work out in which direction the word reads.
Do the puzzle and add some reminiscing about birds.
Ask questions like; What birds live around here? Do you have a favorite type of bird? What kinds of birds might you find in a Zoo?
Play some birdsong.