Ice cream, 2 Levels Word Search

This word search has two difficulty levels.

Short Description:

The words to find are listed below the grids; once you find them, mark them in both places. A highlighter pen is good for this, or a pen. Some letters may be used in more than one word.

Directions for Caregivers:

Pick the level for you.

In the first version, all the words in the grid are written from left to right only as you would read a word on a page. This is a more dementia-friendly version and may also suit people not used to doing word searches and looking for a simpler challenge.

To make it even easier, put a ruler or paper just below one line at a time and see if the person can find words on that line. That way, they won’t be confused about looking at a maze of letters.

Give everyone in the group a word search sheet (the same one) and encourage the participants to engage and help each other.

Have a discussion about your favorite ice creams. Maybe you all get to eat one?


Early-stage memory care/dementia.

You may have to find the starting letter of a word and see if the person you are with can work out which direction the word reads in.

In the first version, you will find all the words in the grid written from left to right only, as you would read a word on a page. This level is a more dementia-friendly version and may also suit people not used to doing word searches and looking for a more straightforward challenge.

To simplify level one further, put a ruler or a sheet of paper under one line in the grid at a time so that the person you are with is not looking at the whole grid.

Have an ice cream to finish the activity!

About this Activity

The Choose the Level That Suits You.

In level one, an easy word search, the words in the grid all read from left to right. The way you would read a word usually.

In the second version, you will find the words in straight lines, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally and they can be read forward or backward.

Bring some fabrics to the activity if you are with another person. Discuss texture, suitability for different clothing types, etc.

Find more Word searches here.


Ice cream, 2 Levels Word Search