Halloween Word Search

Find the Words on the List Hidden in the Grid.

Short Description:

In this Halloween word search, you will find the words either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. The words can be read forward or backward.
Mark them off in the list as you find them and mark them in the grid as well, either circle with a pen or use a highlighter pen.

A Halloween Word Search Puzzle.

Find more Word searches here.

Directions for Caregivers:

Do the activity together. Pointing out the first letter in a word and trying to find it by reading in different directions can be helpful.

Do some reminiscing about Halloween and the traditions associated with it.

Pointing out the first letter in a word and trying to find it by reading in different directions can be helpful.
Give everyone a Halloween word search sheet and encourage the participants to engage and help each other. Go around and assist where needed. Chat about Halloween during the activity.

Early-stage memory care/dementia.
Print the word sheet, supply a pen, and assist as needed. You may have to find the starting letter of a word and see if the person you are with can work out which direction the word reads.

Do some reminiscing about Halloween and the traditions associated with it.

About this Activity

Our main Halloween category page has many more Halloween activities. In addition to the Halloween word search, there is a coloring page, a Halloween crossword, and lots of Halloween craft activities.

Click here for some fun facts about Halloween from goodhousekeeping.com.

For example, during the 18th century, single ladies devised Halloween traditions to help them meet their romantic match. The winner of the bobbing apple game supposedly was the person who would marry first. Or, throwing apple peels over a shoulder, hoping to see their future husband’s initials in the pattern they made when they landed. 

Halloween Word Search