Quiz, Who Was Born First?

Arrange Them in Order

Short Description:

On the quiz worksheet, you will find a list of eight well-known people.

Number the boxes in order of when each person was born.

Starting with the person born earliest, put a 1 in the box for that name, and continue until you have a number in each box ending with the number 8 for the person who was born most recently.

This is a good exercise in focus, memory, and concentration.

Directions for Caregivers:

Print the worksheet and make it a social activity where you discuss each person, who they were, and what they do or did and try to figure out when they were born.

Use this as a whiteboard quiz activity. Write the names on the board and ask the group who was born first. The majority rules. Put the numbers in order after each person’s name.

Have a chat about each person and their impact on the world.

About this Activity

Add Some Reminiscing!

What do you know about each person on the list in this tick-box quiz? Were you born before or after each person?

Look up some pictures of the different people and find out more information about each one.

For a similar timeline quiz about US presidents, click here.

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