Did you get them all correct?
Click here for a printable anagram all about dogs.
Follow this link if you want to visit Maria's Place's YouTube channel.
Test your knowledge about pets in this fun quiz.
If you are a caregiver and doing the activity one-on-one with a group, add some reminiscing about pets.
While doing the quiz, Google the different animals and look at some fun pictures. For example, do you know what a Komondor looks like?
Great quiz for a group. Share your experiences with pets, either your own, family pets, or someone’s pet that you know.
What is the most unusual pet you can think of?
Early-stage dementia and mid-stage dementia
Do the quiz together and add some reminiscing. The subject of pets can be quite emotional and often makes for a feel-good experience. Remember childhood cats and dogs and chat about different types. Add some images to add visual impact.
Click here for a printable anagram all about dogs.
Follow this link if you want to visit Maria's Place's YouTube channel.
This is a Printable Quiz with Multiple Choice Answers.
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