Cat and Flower Coloring Pages

Free printable coloring pages

Short Description:

Get the creative juices flowing with these cat and flower coloring pages made for adults. Experiment with mixing colors, and remember to paint the background. It will really lift the picture.

Directions for Caregivers:

Coloring can be a relaxing social activity. Add a cup of tea and some chat and you won’t find the time going.

Flowers are always great as a coloring activity. No two pictures are going to look the same and they will make a lovely display if exhibited together. Encourage using multiple colors and mixing them for new shades.

Early-stage and mid-stage dementia

Coloring is a fun activity to do together. When the person with dementia can no longer actively engage in the activity, watching others paint and color and getting involved by helping to choose colors is also a stimulating past-time.

About this Activity

Coloring develops and maintains hand strength and fine motor skills.

It makes us focus, concentrate, and get creative at the same time.

Click here for more flowers coloring pages.

If you want to check out our YouTube channel, we have some fun quiz questions, crafts, etc., to browse.