South American Geography Quiz

Multiple Choice Answers

Short Description:

Test your knowledge of South America in this printable quiz with multiple choice answers.

Directions for Caregivers:

As a one-on-one activity, if the person has good general knowledge, ask the question first, if the person you are with can’t answer, then give them the answer options. If a person needs more guidance, give them the choice of two answers instead of three.

Quizzes with multiple choice answers are great when doing a group activity.

Ask the participants not to call out an answer until all the potential answers have been called out. Then give everyone a chance to share their opinion, not just the fast thinkers, before telling them the correct answer.

Stress that it’s not a competition (unless this is the purpose of your session) and that it doesn’t matter if they get it wrong; you just want everyone to participate.

About this Activity

For another geography quiz for seniors, click here and here.

Geography quiz