Collective Names Quiz

Names of Groups of Animals.

Short Description:

Match the animals to their collective names.

A collective name is what you call a group of animals of the same kind.

On the worksheet, draw a line from the animal to the correct collective name.

Directions for Caregivers:

If the person you are with cannot coordinate to draw lines, call out the animal name and give the options for the collective names.

Reduce the number of options to simplify and assure people that it doesn’t matter if they get it wrong. It is just for fun.

This quiz can be used as a group or hallway activity where the activity leader calls out the animal’s name and gives two or three options for the collective name.

About this Activity

Did You Know?

A giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground.

As a result, it has to awkwardly spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground for a drink of water.

If you enjoyed the collective names quiz, click here for more printable quizzes.

Click the image below for another animal-related quiz.

animal sounds quiz

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