Word Searches
Print out the Word Searches and try your hand at finding the listed words within the grid. All words are formed in straight lines, and the words can be found horizontally, vertically, forwards, and backward. Some word search activities include a simpler version where all the words are read left to right.
Fishes, Word Search
Go Fishing!
Countries in Europe, Word Search
How is Your European Geography?
Fruits, Word Search
Find the Fruits in the Grid.
Flowers Word Search
What's Your Favorite Flower?
Foods, Word Search
Find the Foods!
Transport, Word Search
How Will You Get There? Find the Words.
Professions, Word Search
Looking for a Job? Find One Here?
American States, Word Search
Find the States in the Grid.
Furniture, Word Search
Can You Find the Hidden Words?
Word Search: Colors
Find the Hidden Colors in the Grid.
Word Search: Farm Animals
Find the Animals in the Grid.