Anagram: Ireland

Unscramble the Letters to Make Words Relating to Ireland.

Short Description:

Unscramble the anagram letters to make words that all relate to Ireland in some way.

If you are with another person and want to make this activity easier to do, underline the first letter of the correct answer in each clue.

Directions for Caregivers:

Print out the worksheet and do it together.

Simplify by underlining the first letter in the word.

You may have to give hints by giving the second or third letter in a word and say the first part aloud to trigger an answer.

Reminisce about connections to Ireland, famous Irish people, etc.

As a group activity, use a whiteboard at one end of the table so that everyone can see well and lead the activity.

Add some reminiscing about Ireland. Has anyone visited? Who are some famous Irish people, etc.

Early-stage memory care/dementia.

Print out the worksheet and do it together.

Simplify by underlining the first letter in the word.

You may have to give hints by giving the second or third letter in a word and say the first part aloud to trigger an answer.

Reminisce about connections to Ireland, famous Irish people, etc.

About this Activity

How is your Ireland knowledge? Click here for a quiz with multiple-choice answers, all about the Emerald Isle.

To learn more about Ireland, visit, which shares some fun facts. Follow this link to hear Johnny Cash sing 'Forty Shades' of Green.

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Anagram: Ireland