9 Letter Word Square, # 13

How Many Words Can You Make?

Short Description:

You may only use each letter in the 9-letter word square once.

To make it fun and find the most words, make any recognizable word of any length, including names and plurals.

If you like more difficulty, you might include the central letter in every word or make the minimum word length three or four letters.

Directions for Caregivers:

Find the words together, give clues if needed. To make it a little easier, you could ask the person you are with to find words starting with a particular letter.

When you write down your words, group them by the same starting letter in each group. This makes it easier to see which words you have already found.

Give out individual sheets, or use a large whiteboard.

With the whiteboard, draw the word square, and write their answers for all to see. Be sure to use a wipeable whiteboard marker.

Early and middle-stage dementia.

Find the words together, give clues if needed. Maybe ask the person to find words starting with a particular letter if they are stuck. This is a little easier.

Write the found words in columns with all the words in each column, starting with the same letter. This makes it easier to see which words you have already found.

Give hints. Maybe point to a written word, for instance, “CARD.” Ask: What happens if I take away the D?

A whiteboard is an excellent visual aid.

About this Activity

9 letter word squares are great word games to exercise the brain cells.

Get together with family and friends to see how many words you can make together.

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9 Letter Word Square, # 13